
... just a few of the many things I MUST get done!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

TECH was fun!

What a challenging week I have had - from a weekend of running on hardly any sleep during the HOTS Club Spring Retreat (I could have done the "night owl" since I was up until 4:00 a.m or later both nights - at home - and back at the Hilton in Temple by 9:00 a.m.!) to a required luncheon meeting with Retired Teacher's on Monday (I'm the historian!) and two days of TECH Squad meetings! Thursday is a SLEEP IN DAY! (if I can make myself do it!)
I'm sorry if I worked you too hard on the TECH projects! It did take a little longer than our projects usually do, but the learning was great! I just love folded paper projects, and the scor-pal makes that so easy! I love hearing quotes like this "Im so glad that you are actually showing me how to use this tool that I bought! (Thanks, Debby!)
I will get better at posting projects! - not just running on about this and that! Goodnight! poki

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